What is this? I've done some thinking on the matter and realized that there currently isn't a place that I have out there to publicly write about some of the softer skills and lessons I've learned in life. These posts won't be treatises about current events or politics or any of that bullshit, but rather some stream of consciousness about significant, although not necessarily major, events in my life that have made me think or feel something special.
There's been a lot of things that I've been contemplating since starting my journey handling mental health and interpersonal issues that I think might be able to help someone else along their way. Or maybe just entertain. Or disgust. There's a shared belief out there that, at this point, there is no such thing as a unique human experience, and that there is always someone out that who can relate entirely to what someone else is dealing with or has gone through. I will not challenge that notion and hope to possibly even confirm it. At the very least, I will highlight the event or thought and how it reflects on me today.
I hope it won't be too revealing and embarrassing, though it will likely be both.
edit: it must be said off the bat. for anyone hoping to discover behind-the-scenes accounts of my work with my best friends for over the last decade plus, this won't be the place for it. there may be instances that touch upon those experiences, but this isn't the scoop on my relationship with those brothers. our bond is something that is incredibly unique and however things evolved over time, i will always cherish it. i'm keeping that for me. they may show up here in various stories or reflections about the time, but likely not by name, and definitely not as a piece of trivia. thank you, all.