
something about trust

For better or worse, I know that I can truly commit to something, at least on a small scale. There are things I know about myself and habits that I form that become just another part of my daily life. For instance, I know that Duolingo will be completed (day 2500-something currently) and I know that I will start every day with my daily wisdom and spiritual readings, and then my financial newsletter. These things will not change. But it's unfortunately taken me way too long in life to commit myself to things that are better for myself and those around me, on a larger scale. In this whole process, I've been focusing on creating those habits and making those thoughts and feelings becoming second nature - becoming real and a part of me - throughout it all. I’m going to recap this last year of thought and versions of trust that I’ve found and will continue to work towards protecting.

thoughts about strangers

Since writing about my experiences with our creative work , I've been thinking about a lot of the people we interacted with over the years. As always, this doesn't apply to the friendships we've made that will last a lifetime, but rather that vague, nebulous, and anonymous world out there, that is always trying to get in. 

something about healing at your own pace

This has been a topic on my mind for almost as long as I've been maintaining this blog, but I hadn't dedicated as much concentrated thought on it. Having had the time and discussing it a bit in therapy, I think I have some slightly better words for how I am feeling on it. This goes for any endeavor you are undertaking, but I have been thinking about the expectations you should set for yourself, and healing and doing the work at your own pace. 

something about assumptions

These posts aren't meant to be bulletproof pieces of advice, merely explanations of how I've come to conclusions about certain things and why  I'd might give certain advice. Sometimes the stories that led up to certain outlooks can appear as a series of setbacks culminating in giving up, but I'm not sure that's always accurate. I see it more as protecting one's peace and oneself. The easy way shouldn't be the default, but sometimes avoiding unnecessary suffering is the best option. Especially when you've had your share of needless suffering, both brought on by others and dealt to others by your own actions. At its core, this text involves struggling under the weight of others' own ruminations and simply choosing not to engage with it. It involves the mixed feelings and the hurt in realising that people that you thought knew you and how you operate have an entirely different image of how you think and feel. And act.  Generally, I write these thoughts ...

something about the process

Considering that this month is my birthday, I've decided to take a step back and assess my daily activities as sort of a midyear check-in. A halfway New Year Resolutions review, I guess. Highlight some things that have brought me joy. Spread out the things that I know I still recognize as difficult. Think about things that are good and how I'm working to mitigate the bad. 

something (more) about memory

This is going to be a bit rambling, but I promise the thoughts eventually come around. I feel that they occurred around the same time and are staying together for a reason. I believe that they do have the same DNA. Let's see. 

something about continuing studies

Every so often, I think about friends and relatives going through their own education. Not that hard to when you see loved ones celebrating a graduation. Whether its for professional ambitions or following up on programs that they had to abandon earlier on in life, I empathise with their journey and generally think to myself: I couldn't imagine doing that now. There were so many courses that made the whole experience worthwhile, but after going through the public school system, college, and then graduate school, I couldn't fathom doing it "all" again. So many dreaded courses in weaker subjects. So much time spent on the building blocks of things I may not have been interested in. It was a long, long process and I'm glad I finished. I'm glad it's done. But I don't think that should mean we ever stop learning.  Accountants and doctors are both required to keep up with contemporary advancements to be able to keep doing their work. Teachers regularly have ...